Well let me begin by saying, for those who do not know Peter and myself are the carpenters for the company as well as licensed exterminator with full knowledge and hands on experience in both professions. Magic realizes that carpentry and pest control work hand in hand and they are aware of the talent out there among there employees.
OK a few months ago me and Peter were approach by management (Anthony, Mike, Ralph and Jimmy) to build a heat chamber for green exterminating. Our first reaction was this is great! We have another opportunity to
show our capabilities. It was a challenge set before us which was a opportunity to stimulate the mind. So we started off with the question to management what should the dimension be and its height as well as the size of the door opening (Jim T had a great idea as to what type of door should be built) and what would be place inside the chamber so we can determine the size.

These question and the answer to them were very important because we had to make shore that we had the space to build the Heat Chamber in the work space that was available, after careful inspection and a few measurements we told management that there idea was tangible.

The Purpose of the Heat Camber: Management believes the industry should work towards going green in every thing they do, as well as looking for a better way to kill Bed Bugs and wood destroying insects in furniture and other house hold items, the Heat Chamber made a lot of sense.
Why? First) it’s safe and it’s an all natural why to destroy these pest without the use of chemicals Second) air is able to penetrate cracks and craves a lot better then chemical or dust in a safe and no staining manner Third) the objective is to have the air heat up to the temperature of 120 degrees for several hours and circulate in the chamber to kill all types of insects and bugs by drying there bodies out. It has been proven this is the temperature needed to accomplishment this goal.
Managements Idea Brought Into Fruition Although the room was fairly square and had no real complicated angels or measurements there were still many questing that needed to be answer while we were building, like how do we protect it from water damage, from fire damage and the surrounding areas adjacent to it. Questing also arose were should the door be place to the right or left of the chamber, this would determine how long and large a piece of furniture could be place in the chamber to far to the right the objects would hit other structures to far to the left and you could not place a long piece of furniture into the chamber as we went back and forth with management ( Mr. DeVito and his team ) all the question were finally answer so me and Peter now had the clarity to proceeded forward .
One of the key factor of the project was to have the right insulation, insulation was put in the wall, ceiling and floor (type R-19/R-30 used) (left)
Water issue addressed before construction the walls and floor were seal with a special tar to prevent condensation on the inside of the wall and floor. (right)
With the understanding that heavy object would be place into the Chamber the floor was brace to the ground. (left)
Inside the chamber are 5/8 fire sheet rock walls and insulated heat absorbing wall panels with all corner sealed with a heat resistant tape. (right)
Materials: 72 # 2x4 22# piece of sheet rock 4# piece of ¾ plywood 9# rolls of insulation 2# box of 2 ½ crews 88” feet of track 15# piece of insulated heat panels 2# rolls of heat resident type 1# can of tar.
Hi...Your post really got me thinking man..... an intelligent piece, I must say.
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