Magic services homes, condominiums, apartments, cooperative living and business units, office buildings, colleges, hotels and motels, local, state and federal buildings, nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living centers, furniture and mattress companies, cruise liners, bus companies, etc.

Human Inspections
Trained pest professional are only able to detect visible signs of bed bugs with an accuracy rate of about 30%.
Bed Bugs like to hide inside walls, baseboards and under carpets. These areas are beyond the scope of a visual inspection
The Nose Knows! Bed Bug Canines are 96% accurate in the detection of bed bugs.
According to the Institute for Biological Detection Systems (IBDS) dogs have the following capabilities:
Sensitivity: Can detect odors diluted to 500 parts per trillion.
Discrimination: Dogs can differentiate a target vapor from non-target vapors even at relatively high concentrations of non-target odors.
Odor Signatures: Dogs are trained to detect only one or two of the target odors most abundant vapor compounds.
Multiple Odor Discriminations: Dogs easily learn to differentiate between ten distinct odors.
Why Use a Bed Bug Dog?
Less Expensive
Quicker and more accurate results
Proven and Trusted. "Man's best friend" is used by the military and law enforcement
Dogs are Honest
Greater Peace of Mind. If the dog doesn't find bedbugs your probable safe from bedbugs.
Bed bugs are really annoying as they snatch sound sleep from you and are carriers of many a diseases.
Pest Control Gold Coast
Nice post. bed bugs sounds are very irritating
Pest Control Services
Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work!..
Pest Control Services
@Pest Control Australia... actually it has not been provent hat Bed Bugs transmit any diseases. The Pharmaceutical companies did alot of research and came up with nothing.
@devid.. thanks so much let me know if I can ever be of assistance.
This seems to be a great site which offers Pest Control Austin, Bed Bugs Texas, Bed Bugs Austin, Bed Bugs Dallas, Bed Bugs Houston etc. and i would surely like to try their service...i had been relying on earlier and they too offered good stuff.
Up to bed bug sniffing detection, amazing that dogs are also useful on this king of task...
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