Let us make no mistake bees are one of the most beneficial insects on the planet. Bee species pollinate around 80% of the fruits vegetables and flowers on the planet. We must consider this before eradicating them.
Honey Bees (see top right) handle the majority of the pollinating work but a hive within the wall of your home (see right) can be destructive and physically dangerous. If possible a Bee Keeper should be called for safe removal![]()
Carpenter Bees are large and aggressive but hardly ever bite. People commonly mistake them for Bumble Bees. The shiny dark abdomen of the Carpenter Bee makes it easy to identify.
Carpenter Bees bore into wood and raise their family within the chambers. Sawdust or frass is often visible and mistaken for Termite or Carpenter Ants.
Stains (see image) are a dead giveaway of a Carpenter Bee infestation. As they enter the hole to the nest they release excrement.
Bold Face Hornets are bigger than Yellow Jackets and mostly black. They like to set up their hive under eaves to protect it from rain. As they hive and population grow they can become very aggressive.![]()
Paper Wasps are very similar to Yellow Jackets. They set up little hanging hives from window frames and roof eaves allowing them to access our homes easily.
Yellow Jackets are one of the biggest nuisances at backyard parties. In the spring they feed on sweets but in the late summer and fall they feed on protein like my hot dog on the BBQ Grill.
Mud Daubers set up a little mud nest on just about any type of structural wall.
Magic's three (3) Entomologist have trained our Technicians to identify and eradicate them.
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